ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > La Triennale di Milano | open call


31 Oct 2015

La Triennale di Milano | open call

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La Triennale di Milano is organizing its 21st edition for 2016 (2 April–12 September) on the theme of “21st Century. Design after Design”. For the occasion, the Triennale di Milano announces an international multidisciplinary CALL for practitioners and professionals in the fields of applied arts (architecture, design, crafts), visual and performing arts, film, music, fashion under the age of 35 from all over the world.

The aim of the Call is collecting, mapping and selecting the most original and innovative actions carried out in the above mentioned fields by all creative individuals, groups, “tribes”, schools.

As a pioneer and precursor in the promotion of the arts and design research, the Triennale has chosen a theme that raises many questions on the meaning of design and its role in a constantly changing world.

The concept incorporates key issues such as the impact of globalization on design, the transformations following the 2008 crisis, and the arrival of the 21st century; the relationship between cities and design; design and accessibility of new information technologies; design research as a circular activity; the art of design and anthropology; and the fundamental questions arising therein. Last but not least, the positioning of design with respect to crafts.

Are you an architect, product or fashion designer, filmaker, artist, performer or musician under 35? Submit your project on the theme of the XXI Triennale International Exhibition (2016). The most original and innovative Italian and international projects will be exhibited.

Works submitted must be produced independently and be related to the theme “21st Century. Design After Design”. Projects of all types and in any mediums are welcome, both theoretical and real. All of the projects selected will be exhibited on a rotating basis at a location in Milan, depending on the type of project itself. A catalogue of selected works will also be published.


PROJECT DEADLINE: 21 December 2015