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Opportunities > London | Bagri Craft Award at Cockpit


02 Oct 2023

London | Bagri Craft Award at Cockpit

Bagri Foundation and Cockpit are calling for applications from makers with Asian heritage for the new Bagri Craft Award.

The Bagri Craft Award is for a maker with Asian heritage, or from the Asian diasporas, who demonstrates creative excellence, ambition, and developed craft skills. The maker can be UK-based or international and the Award welcomes applications spanning all forms of craft. 

The Award includes up to 3 years of business support, coaching, and subsidised studio space at Cockpit Studios, London. 

Who can apply?

Makers of Asian heritage, or from the Asian diasporas, from all disciplines. Either UK-based or international. However, the Award does not support visa applications. 

What’s included?

3 years of studio space, business support, selling and promotional opportunities.

Bagri Craft Award application guidelines

Deadline: 2 October 2023

Image: Majeda Clarke by Michael Heffernan.

Cockpit is an award-winning social enterprise, that bridges the gap between talent and opportunity.