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Opportunities > Mario Merz Prize 2014 | call for nominations | contemporary art and music


31 Jan 2014

Mario Merz Prize 2014 | call for nominations | contemporary art and music



The Mario Merz Prize is initiating a new process that will draw attention to new, significant figures in the fields of the visual arts and contemporary music composition. This international open call is for nominations of visual artists and composers. Nominations can be made by art and music institutions, experts, critics etc and the winners will be selected by an International Jury in each discipline.

Promoted by the Fondazione Merz, in collaboration with a technical committee, the Prize is supported by an International Honors Committee. The project creates a new network of exhibition programs and music activities in the cities of Turin and Zurich. The choice to pair the two cities derives from their distinctive roles, as both are vibrant centers of cultural productions within their national borders. Moreover, Zurich represents the origins of Mario Merz, while Turin is his adopted city and creative hub.

Mario Merz Art Prize

The Art Prize is addressed to artists who have been already recognized for the quality of their work in their home country and are launching their career on an international level. A short list of 5 nominees will be selected through a nomination process. The winner will be selected by an International Jury.

Artists participating in the selection are to be nominated by curators, museum directors, art critics, gallerists or members of other cultural associations. Artists cannot nominate themselves. Each artist can receive multiple nominations. There are no restrictions with regard to age, nationality or artistic medium.

Applications must be submitted online, completing the registration form no later than January 31, 2014

Mario Merz Music Prize

The Music Prize, which avails itself of the collaboration with the Associazione per la Musica De Sono in Turin and the Hochschule der Künste in Zurich, is dedicated to contemporary music. A short list of 5 nominees will be selected through a nomination process. The winner will be selected by an International Jury.

Composers participating in the selection are to be nominated by music institutions, interpreters, music critics and experts. Composers cannot nominate themselves. Each composer can receive multiple nominations. There are no restrictions with regard to age, nationality or artistic medium.

Applications must be submitted online, completing the registration form no later than January 31, 2014