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Opportunities > Moscow International Biennale for Young Art 2014 | open call


30 Jan 2014

Moscow International Biennale for Young Art 2014 | open call



The Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, one of the largest and most ambitious projects in the field of contemporary art, takes place in summer 2014 for the fourth time. There is an open call for artists under 35 to submit works, projects and curatorial proposals. The title of the 2014 Biennale is «A Time for Dreams».

One of the main tasks of the Biennale is to discover new young artists. The project presents an opportunity to the new generation to create links and set up creative partnerships within the professional art scene. The Biennale provides a space to demonstrate the relevant strategies of the new generation of artists and curators.

This year the main curator of the project will be David Elliott, curator, author and museum consultant. David Elliott chose the title of the IV Moscow International Biennale for Young Art «A Time for Dreams» by rephrasing the famous «I have a dream» speech by Martin Luther King. With this title the curator emphasizes the chronic instability of our time and the acute need for the young generation to have dreams, hopes and opportunities, to not blindly go with the flow but to invest their strength into the perfection of the world.

Works submitted to the Biennale may be those of Russian or foreign artists of the new generation, working in the field of contemporary art with the latest strategies, concepts, and techniques (individual, collective, or as part of curatorial projects). Artists of the new generation are defined as those whose age at the time of the opening of the Biennale does not exceed 35 years.

Please check all the submission guidelines and conditions carefully!

Deadline for applications: 30 January 2014

More about David Elliott: From 1979 to 1996 he was the head of the Museum of Modern Art in Oxford (England), and then the museum of Modern Art in Stockholm (Sweden). Between 1996 and 2001 David Elliott was the founder and director of the Mori Museum of Art in Tokyo (Japan), from 2001-2006 Elliot was the first director of the Istanbul Museum of Modern Art (Turkey). In 2007 he became the main curator of the Sydney Biennale (Australia). In 2008 he took up the position of professor of art history at the Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany). He was then invited to be the main curator of the First International Biennale of Contemporary Art in Kiev (Ukraine), from 2011 to 2012 he worked as a consultant in the Centre for Contemporary Arts CPS Project in Hong Kong, and since 2008 he has been a visiting professor of museum studies at the Chinese University in Hong Kong.