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Opportunities > MOVE ARTS JAPAN - international call for mobile residency


14 Aug 2017

MOVE ARTS JAPAN - international call for mobile residency


MOVE ARTS JAPAN - Call for International applicants for a 7 week mobile residency in Japan in November/December 2017. This year, 3 artists from abroad will be invited to experience a seven week residency in various different residency localities in Japan, each ending in a three-week residency, presentation and exhibition at 3331 Arts Chiyoda in Tokyo. Participating curators from residencies in Korea and Taiwan will nominate an artist from their respective countries. The third artist will be selected via a worldwide open call.

This is a unique mobile residency in Japan. As its concept, Move Arts Japan proposes a “migration model” of AIR program, where one artist can experience several sequential residencies throughout Japan.

Applicants must be FULLY available for the entire residency period: 1 November - 22 December 2017

Participants are able to visit several Japanese artist-in-residence programs associated with Move Arts Japan. Please note that in order to determine final itineraries, participants and Move Arts Japan coordinators will discuss requested destinations and the accessibility of residences over Skype meetings and emails during September and October 2017.

Support provided for artists

  • Travel expenses including round-trip airfare and travel expenses on public transportation between the station nearest each residency within Japan (Move Arts Japan will make a reservation and purchase flight tickets to and within Japan). Flight to Japan, travel within Japan.

  • Accommodation, workspace

  • Per-diem (424,500 JPY) Total of daily expenses from November 1st to December 22nd.

  • Production costs (Maximum 60,000 JPY)

  • Research costs (Maximum 60,000 JPY)

  • Coordination/interpretation support (Event translation, consultation)

  • Opportunity to presentation research/work at the end of residency

  • Opportunities to interact with Japanese artists and community at a local level

Conditions of participation

  • Reside outside of Japan and be a citizen of a country other than Japan

  • Be able to speak either English or Japanese at a conversational level

  • Be in good health for intensive travel

  • Have access to the equipment necessary to participate in a remote interview (i.e. a computer capable of connecting to the internet and using Skype)

Deadline: August 14th 2017