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Opportunities > Museum: Grants for ICOM members


25 Feb 2011

Museum: Grants for ICOM members

None International Council of Museums (ICOM) supports its network through three major grant programmes:

  • Annual subsidies to International Committees

  • Support to National, International Committees and Regional Alliances in organising special projects

  • Bursary programmes to foster the attendance of young members at the annual meetings of ICOM’s International Committees.

The projects that receive funding are selected prior to allocation on the basis of presentation files. Once the activities have been implemented, ICOM examines progress reports that include financial reports to ensure proper usage of the funds allocated.

Letter from ICOM Director General

Annual subsidies to International Committees

Special projects

Bursary Programme for Young professionals

ICOM in brief

  • An organisation created in 1946 by and for museum professionals.

  • A unique network of almost 30,000 members and museum professionals who represent the global museum community.

  • A diplomatic forum made up of experts from 137 countries and territories to respond to the challenges museums face worldwide.

  • A consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

  • 117 National Committees and 31 International Committees dedicated to various museum specialties.

  • A leading force in ethical matters.

  • One of the founding members of the International Committee of the Blue Shield (ICBS).

  • A Public Interest Organisation.

  • 3 official languages: English, French and Spanish.