MusicAIRE call for external evaluators
MusicAIRE (An Innovative Recovery for Europe) is calling for applications from qualified experts, with experience in research and evaluation of EU-funded projects within the thematic scope of music, to evaluate the MusicAIRE project.
MusicAIRE (An Innovative Recovery for Europe) aims to provide tailored-made instruments for the sector and contribute to a green, digital, just, and resilient recovery of the music ecosystem. The project timeframe is of 30-month journey, which includes a needs-analysis phase (involving an online survey with 113 respondents and think tank meetings with 50 participants), and the launching of two open calls for applicants established in one of the 27 EU Member States and non-EU countries participating in the Creative Europe Programme.
The evaluation should cover the following criteria:
- Effectiveness: How successful was the intervention in achieving (or progressing towards) its objectives?
- Efficiency: was the intervention cost-effective and proportional to actual costs to benefits?
- Relevance: To which extent did the project’s objectives and design respond to current and emerging needs?
- Coherence: To what extent is this intervention coherent with other EU that have similar objectives?
- EU added value: Could the identified results/outputs/impacts have been achieved without EU intervention?
The following deliverables are expected:
- Inception report, finalising the methodology, work programme and timetable for the evaluation
- Report on the ex-post analysis of the effectiveness of the redistribution scheme and the estimated impact of the “sustainability actions” with recommendations
A maximum budget of 16,000 EUR has been allocated for this evaluation activity. Any necessary travel and accommodation expenses for participation in meetings or activities foreseen will be covered by this budget.
Deadline: 15 September 2023
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