ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Netherlands | residency on the future of housing and urban development


20 Sep 2019

Netherlands | residency on the future of housing and urban development

Baltan Laboratories and Trudo jointly offer a 6-week residency period - the Future of Strijp-S, on the future of housing and urban development. Deadline for submitting your proposal is September 20th, 2019. Notification for acceptance will be sent before September 29th, 2019.

We invite international creative professionals working in the field of social design, community art, urban development, urban design and architecture to apply. Applications may contain a concrete project proposal or a research trajectory. We request a thorough description of plans, process and research that the applicant wants to execute during the residency period.

This shared residency offers highly promising creatives the opportunity to conduct artistic and technical research and to develop personal work, which must lead to experiment and innovation around urban development and focus on the needs of the local community. An important guiding principle for this residency is to investigate how citizens, institutions, organizations and entrepreneurs can take more initiative and ownership when it comes to their immediate environment.

Trudo and Baltan Laboratories have established this residency in order to stimulate crossovers and experimentation, as well as to initiate new collaborations. The program acts as a driver for talent development for professional creatives, with a focus on social issues and aims at artists, designers and creative entrepreneurs, working at the intersection of social- and urban design, community art and architecture.

The work period starts November 1st until December 15th, 2019. A total sum of 10.000 EUR (ex. VAT) is available for the selected project. This includes travel, material, per diem, honorarium, exhibition, technical support and transportation expenses for the project. The costs of the studio and the accommodation will be covered during the full residency period. Baltan will take on the artistic supervision of the program and will be responsible for financial administration during the residency period.

Send an application containing:
– CV (PDF, max. 2 pages)
– Relevant portfolio (PDF, max. 3 pages)
– Link to website
– Short video in which you introduce yourself and your idea (max. 1 min.)
– Description including idea and research; how the plan will be executed/presented within the context of Strijp-S, focusing on expected output and financial planning (max. 2-3 pages)

The proposal should be submitted via email no later than September 20th, 2019: info[at]

The final selection will be made by Baltan Laboratories and Trudo. Notification for acceptance will be sent before September 29th, 2019. Any further agreements will be made after this notification between the selected resident and Baltan Laboratories.