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Opportunities > NEW FACES Assitej International work placement call


01 Dec 2011

NEW FACES Assitej International work placement call


ASSITEJ International - the International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People - announces a new initiative to engage individuals around the world in a range of experiences designed to build skills and foster international relationships.

Entitled ‘New Faces’ this initiative develops the concept of Next Generation, which was launched at the 16th ASSITEJ WOLRD CONGRESS in Adelaide.  ‘New Faces’ builds upon the key aims of the Next Generation project; the creation of professional development opportunities, opening up opportunities for cross cultural collaboration and importantly engaging young or new members to the sector with ASSITEJ International and the National ASSITEJ Centres in their region.

‘New Faces’ is a participatory opportunity for ‘emerging’ individuals.  The opportunities are broad and vary in length of engagement.  They could involve mentorships, residencies, or internships working alongside producers, directors, festival curators or arts managers.   ASSITEJ International hopes to encourage its member organisations to offer opportunities for new members to become involved across a range of performing arts contexts. Contexts could include festival participation, residencies in production houses, venues or indeed in any situation that organizations or individuals may be able to offer. The programs will be flexible in length and opportunity. Organisations offering these participation opportunities may be able to offer varying levels of financial or in-kind support to the successful applicant/s – this could cover accommodation, per diems, transport but equally the host organization may not be able to cover any costs of the participant.  Providing an opportunity is the key to the initiatives success.

ASSITEJ International is seeking ‘New Faces’ opportunity proposals from ASSITEJ organizations or individual members.  In the first instance we are asking these to be submitted via your ASSITEJ National Centre.  The proposals will then be forwarded on to ASSITEJ International to disseminate the information and placement offers.  ‘New Faces’ opportunities will be advertised on the ASSITEJ International website and through the newsletter.

Any ASSITEJ member organisation or individual who believes they are able to support a placement in their work setting. Care should be given to the time and attention the ‘New Faces’ individuals will need in the hosts working environment.  Offers of placements are encouraged across a range of settings and hosts should not be discouraged by their inability to offer financial support to the successful ‘New Faces’ applicants.

ASSITEJ International is now calling for ‘New Faces’ offers of placements beginning January 2011 and beyond.  ‘New Faces’ will only be as strong and successful as the input and good will of its member organisations and individuals.  We encourage National Centres and members alike to get behind this exciting new initiative that will significantly influence future international collaborations.  There are no deadlines for projects to be submitted, as the initiative is continually open to new placements from around the world.  Be among the first to be a part of ‘New Faces’ and offer a professional development opportunity now!

‘New Faces’ is an official project of ASSITEJ International.  For further information please contact your ASSITEJ national centre.

NOTE: at this stage, ASSITEJ International is inviting its members to offer placement opportunities, and where possible cover the costs themselves.  Individuals who are seeking such work placements should keep an eye on the website for further announcements.  You should also contact your national ASSITEJ centre to check guidelines for eligibility.