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Opportunities > Next Generation Placements in field of Theatre for Young Audiences | international call


30 Sep 2013

Next Generation Placements in field of Theatre for Young Audiences | international call

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ASSITEJ, the International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People, promotes NEXT GENERATION PLACEMENTS to provide young theatre artists, producers and administrators with opportunities for international mobility within the field of Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) in order to encourage contact between experienced and emerging artists.

This is a call open to BOTH companies, festivals etc. offering placements AND to young people seeking placements abroad.  It is organised through the ASSITEJ International network of members. All applications for placements from Placement Seekers and offers of placements must be endorsed by an ASSITEJ member.

Young people with an interest for and/or experience in TYA will have the opportunity to share experiences, learn and work with artists in other countries within the framework of different projects like festivals, seminars, workshops, forums, productions, etc.

These will be temporary placements offered by companies, centres or associations.

The project is devoted to participants under 35 years old.


The temporary placements can be offered by companies, centres, networks or associations to participate in festivals, seminars, forums, workshops or any other project within the field of TYA. They will allow young people to have an experience in acting, directing, production, playwriting, design, administration, or any TYA related tasks.

The length and other conditions of the placement can vary.  The placement might or might not include an offer for accommodation, financial support or meals. Each placement offer can be for one person or more.  Each offer should be made with a detailed description of the activities involved and other conditions. A contact person should be mentioned in the offer.

The offers for placements can be sent to  before 30th August 2013 or through our website:  /next-generation/placement-offering/

They will then be posted on the ASSITEJ website and a list of them will be distributed via email to all ASSITEJ members.


Any person related to TYA between 18 and 35 years old can apply for placements.  Applications should be sent to  before 30th September 2013

By the end of the deadline, applications will be forwarded to respective theatres, festivals or associations, who will then choose their candidates independently.

If applicants are accepted to do an ASSITEJ Placement, they are eligible to apply for financial support to ASSITEJ. The application form for support can be found on the webpage and should also be sent to before 30thh November 2013

Those who receive support from ASSITEJ have a duty to give a report about their placement. This can be a one page written report, a photographic report, or a video diary from their stay. This might then be published on the ASSITEJ website (in full or partially).