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Opportunities > Nikkei Asia Prizes | nominations invited


31 Oct 2014

Nikkei Asia Prizes | nominations invited

None nikkei asia prizesThe Nikkei Asia Prizes, which are awarded each year, are designed to recognise outstanding achievements that contribute to the region's sustainable development and to the creation of a better future for Asia. Nominations are invited for the prestigious Nikkei Asia Prizes 2015 - one of the three categories is 'Culture and Community' to recognise people who have made a difference through cultural, artistic or educational activities.

Please note: NO official deadline for nominations is published on the English language information - in 2013, the deadline was end of October. CHECK that nominations are still open before your submission.

The Nikkei Asia Prizes are awarded annually in three areas of achievements. To acknowledge the works of winners (recipients) in today's fast-changing Asia, the titles of the three categories have been changed from in 2014 to: "Economic and Business Innovation," "Science, Technology and Environment" and "Culture and Community."

Winners (recipients) may be an individual, group or organization in any Asian nations except Japan. Japanese individuals, groups or organizations are not eligible since part of the purpose of the awards is to promote understanding within Japan of other Asian nations.

As defined here, "Asia" includes East Asia (Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia), South Asia, as well as independent nations in the Pacific region, excluding Australia and New Zealand.

Culture and Community

The Nikkei Asia Prize for Culture and Community is designed to recognize people who have made a difference through cultural, artistic or educational activities. Nominees may include artists, writers, craftsmen, festival organizers, leaders of projects to preserve and study historical heritage and coordinators of cultural activities in the region. Individuals or groups that provide indirect support for creative cultural activities and have great social impact are also eligible.

<Other Guidelines>

- We aim to award outstanding achievements and contributions which were carried out within the past single decade.

- We would like you to search actively for not only individuals that have already received recognition, but also for those who are not so well known, but have conducted steady and sincere activities toward creating stable lives for people, contributing to prosperity.

- We would like you to nominate individuals who are active at present. Nominations of young people are welcome, if their work has received a certain amount of recognition already.

- We believe that there would be little significance in presenting the Nikkei Asia Prizes to individuals that have already received such awards as the Nobel Prize or the Kyoto Prizes.