ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > NODE13 | open call for proposals


13 Nov 2012

NODE13 | open call for proposals


NODE13 is a festival for digital arts and culture based in Frankfurt, Germany. It is a week long rush of audiovisual performances and exhibitions by international artists from the digital and analog media scene. It is currently seeking proposals for its 2013 festival.

Submitted projects can be of any size and format (e.g. performances, artworks for the exhibition or workshops.) Dynamic and static projects as well as virtual and physical projects are encouraged. NODE13 is an inter-media forum which facilitates a cross-border exchange between all disciplines of art, the Open Call is addressed to works in the field of new media, performing arts, video and music, architecture, as well as software.

With this ‘Open Call for Proposals’ the aim is to expand awareness on relevant projects, and also bring the possibility to introduce new works.


You can submit your own projects – or project of others that you consider groundbreaking in the field of NODE. Eligible for submission are professionals, amateurs, as well as commercial works.


  • Submission of works: Deadlines are November 30th 2012 (exhibition) and January 31st 2013 (performances/workshops). No previous registration needed.

  • Screening by the curational team and announcement of selected works: Until December 2012 (exhibition) and January/February 2013 (performances/workshops)

  • Exhibition of selected works: February 11th – 17th, 2013

How to Enter

Visit and send your proposal via the contact form or email. Please provide all information requested.

Download press release 

Source: NODE