ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Nomadic Village | call for proposals


30 Jan 2015

Nomadic Village | call for proposals

None itinerary2015

Call for proposals for the 2015 Nomadic Village taking artists on the road from May to August across Northern Italy, Cerkno/Slovenia, Northern Balkans, Sofia/Bulgaria, Austria. Since 2009 the Nomadic Village has been a 2 weeks annual settlement of artists on the road. In 2015 it will become a swarm of people on the move for 4 months, travelling across several European countries and stopping along the way to establish 3 different Villages. Artists on the road are invited to propose projects for the entire trip, or parts of it.

Deadline for applications: 30th of January 2015!

[Artists on the road]

Artists, researchers, activists, hackers, those who intentionally displace themselves to seek encounters that not only influence their work but form it; those who work without borders and constantly respond to situations, places and people along their journey, those who have an autonomous working and living mobile setup

2 weeks settlement for artists on the road, providing basic facilities, food and contact with the local community

They will determine their own travelling schedules and use GPS tracking devices to create spontaneous meetings on the road. The Villages are conceived as meeting points as well as production and presentation opportunities.

For 2015, all the artists in charge of projects should be equipped with mobile Internet, and will be asked to update their whereabouts daily. Participants will have to mark the good spots to stay, document them and exchange with the other artists on the road. These exchanges will create a map that will expand over the years and will be provided to the Nomadic Village participants of future editions.

Some selection criteria:
• Projects favoring themes such as: nomadism, displacement, dislocation, working without borders, exploring places, encouraging meeting and interacting with strangers, and seeking the unexpected.
• Work influenced by the location and reacting to the situations.
• Artists on the road sharing their creations with local communities.
• Access to live/work mobile space for the travelling stages of the trip
• Access to live/work space for the Villages

The Nomadic Village is run by Captain Klaus (lead artist and founder) and tinski (directing artist) from On The Road Productions (ORP), Austria.