ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Norway | Circus Village 2013 open call


01 Dec 2012

Norway | Circus Village 2013 open call


From May to September 2013 Cirkus Xanti's Circus Village Festival will tour several cities in Norway and Reykjavík, Iceland.Open call for performances and new ideas from artists and companies to enjoy the bright Nordic summer.

Dates and places will be confirmed latest mid December.

The performance and research spaces are three different sized circus tents. Or you may bring your own!

Please contact artistic director Sverre Waage on before 1st of December.

Cirkus Xanti is a circus company that, besides producing The Circus Village, produce their own performances, pedagogical and social projects, and events. Cirkus Xanti is working for the establishing of a Center for New Circus and Circus Art in Norway. A Mobile Circus Village is an important first step.