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Opportunities > One World Media Special Award | call for entries


30 Jan 2012

One World Media Special Award | call for entries


The One World Media Special Award is specifically for local radio/TV initiatives (including a specific programme or channel, or a network of stations), print media or new media working on the ground in the developing world addressing social or developmental issues. Advocacy media initiatives working at a grass roots level involving staff from the local area are also eligible to enter.

To enter the Special Award category, please submit by email the following to One World Media:

  • Description of the project (1000-1500 words) highlighting how it fits the eligibility criteria above - explain what makes it unique and remarkable. Please include details of when the project was set up, number of staff and volunteers, how many and who the audience is, what issues are covered and what the local conditions are in which it has to operate (for example, political, social, cultural).

  • Full contact details (including name of Director, email address, telephone number, postal address and website where available)

  • Name of one representative who would collect the award in London

  • Letters from two independent references who have worked with the organisation and know it well, but do not work for it.

The winner will be flown to London, with all expenses paid, to receive a trophy at the One World Media Awards ceremony on Tuesday 8th May 2012.

To be considered for this category, all materials must be sent by Monday 30th January to

There is no entry fee for the Special Award.


One World Media promotes media that contributes to global dialogue and understanding, human rights and development.

Source: One World Media