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Opportunities > Open Call for Environmental Art Symposium | Estonia


31 Jan 2020

Open Call for Environmental Art Symposium | Estonia

The TAKKK art centre in Estonia has launched the Open Call for Environmental Art Symposium. 

Interruption. Appearance and Disappearance of Man-Made Landscapes. Site-Specific Landscape Art on Tammiku-Kohila Trajectory.

TAKKK’s symposium of landscape art calls for artists to discover and refresh the onetime industrial buildings and other man-made structures of Tammiku-Kohila area. Artists who participate in the symposium must include local inhabitants in the realization of the installations, thus helping them to (re)discover the history of their surroundings and treasure local milieu-valued areas (areas of cultural and environmental value). The main goals of the symposium is to connect, mediate and create a bond between the local inhabitants and genius loci and to make the area more attractive for visitors, to contribute to the creation of recreational spaces of nature tourism. Can places remember people even after the traces left by them have disappeared? 

    19-26/07/2020 - Construction of Installations 
    26-28/07/2020 - Opening and Artist talks 
    26/07-09/08/2020 - Exhibition open to the public

    Curator: Elo Liiv Organizer: Tammiku Art Center TAKKK, NGO Vabakond

Location Information:
-    Sites
-    Tammiku
-    Kohila

-    Artist fee 2000€ (all taxes must be paid by the artist) 
-    Production costs up to 1300€ (larger amounts will have to be agreed upon with the organizer) 
-    The organizer does not cover travel costs (they are included in the artist fee) 
-    The organizer provides for accommodation and catering during the whole period of time

Requirements for Applicants:
This is an international call. We are expecting novel ideas but you are also welcome to present developments of existing projects that fit the site-specific context. 

The deadline for submission is 30 January 2020.

For more details: