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Opportunities > Open call: International print-graphic triennale Wallsee 2010


30 Aug 2010

Open call: International print-graphic triennale Wallsee 2010

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Dedicated to the promotion of contemporary international print art, the "Kulturwerkstatt Uferstöckl" announces the first "International Print Triennal Wallsee 2010". The objective of the Triennal is the promotion of international contemporary print art. The Print Triennal is organized by the art association "Kulturwerkstatt Uferstöckl".

Conditions for Admission

Professional artists will be admitted without age restriction. The presented work has to be related to print. Novel techniques are as accepted as traditional graphic techniques like woodcut, linocut, etching and so on. The particular technique has to be convincing as an instrument in form and content and must not be taken as a pure reproduction technique. Three- dimensional works and unique items are - as long as they are related to print - permitted as well. The innovative, artistic quality is decisive.

Preliminary Selection

An internal jury will select on the basis of online presented photographs a pre-selection for admission to the professional jury. Each artist can hand in photographs/hard copies of up to four works, which have to include name of the artist, title, year, technique and the dimensions of the work. Furthermore, the artist has to add a curriculum vitae and a short statement about the own artistic work.

Deadline is the 30th of August 2010. The notice about admission to the professional jury will be announced not later than 17th of September 2010.

Professional Jury and prize money

The artists chosen in the pre-selection will be invited to compete in front of the professional jury with their original print works. The deadline for the professional Jury is 1st October 2010. The print work should be posted unframed. The organizers will consider framing (up to dimensions 70x100 cm). In order to participate it is compulsory to submit a CD, containing the digital data of the presented works. The data has to be suitable to be printed in the catalogue (resolution minimum 300 dpi for a 21cm picture for the long side of the dimensions) and should include a price list. Every artist sending works to the professional jury must pay a participation fee of 20 Euro. If the print work is collected by the artist him- or herself or sold, the fee will be refunded.

The five members of the jury are:

Mag. Alexandra Schantl, Deputy Director of the Artothek of Lower Austria; Art & Exhibition curator of Lower Austria

Dr. Heidemaria Gürer, Austrian Embassador Ankara, art collector

Dir. Rolf Feichtinger, Artmanagement Oberbank

Dr. Paul Lehner, Cultural Management of Upper Austria

Dr. Georg Spiegelfeld, entrepreneur, art collector

The jury will determine the work for the exhibition as well as the laureates. Prizes in the amount of 2.500 Euro, 1.500 Euro and 1.000 Euro will be awarded.

Exhibition and Catalogue

The exhibition of the selected print works will take place from the 28th of November to the 9th of December 2010 at Kulturwerkstatt Uferstöckl. Simultaneous to the exhibition a catalogue in two languages (German/ English) will be published, containing all the works of the exhibition.