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Opportunities > Open call: Recycling design prize 2010


31 Aug 2010

Open call: Recycling design prize 2010

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Calls remain open for the fourth "RecyclingDesignprize" competition, a competition that invites all creatives and designers with professional or semi-professional education to submit their works and concepts.  Just as for the first, second and third RecyclingDesignprize 2007, 2008 and 2009, design objects made of “garbage” and/or industrial waste should be submitted. The objects should be made for daily use or for décor and should be easy to produce in “smaller” or “bigger” series in the frame of an institution of employment promotion. Materials that are marked with the “green point” (which is a special german collection system for the packing material of consumer goods) should only be submitted.

The aim of the designprize

Via the use of “littered things” (from industry, handicraft), garbage, “residual material”, useless things become useable. The developed products will be displayed for sale in institutions of employment promotion and generating so a social usability. The production of “clever”, “beautiful” and “useful” objects will be awarded prizes especially those that are conducive to the environment.

Valuation criteria

Valuation criteria for projects of recycling design: quality of design, practical value, producability (also with physically or psychologically handicapped people, in youth workshops or initiatives of employment), environmental safety, innovation and potential for the future.

Members of the Jury

Jan Hoet
Lievenes Daenens, Design Museum Gent, Director
Roland Nachtigäller, Marta Museum Herford, Director
Prof. Verena Wriedt, Furniture and product development, Detmold School of Architecture and Interior Design (FH Detmold), dean
Prof. Hermann Weizenegger, Potsdam Acadamy for Design (FH Potsdam)
Torsten Blume, Bauhaus Foundation Dessau
Imke Volkers, Museum der Dinge, Berlin, Director
Constanze Unger, Academy for Design, Münster, Director
Udo Holtkamp, RecyclingBörse!, board of Arbeitskreis Recycling e.V., Herford
Oliver Schübbe, Os2 Designgroup, Herford

Organizational details

There is no registration fee.  The award is endowed with a prize money of 2.500 €.
The coyrights a.s.o. remain the sole property of the designers.
Each participant/ team can take part with a maximum of three works for the competition.
An online registration is requested. Registration will be possible from the beginning of April and must include a description of the project and a number of photographs of the project. The jury will meet in September and winners will be immediately informed about the decisions by e-mail.
Prototypes are explicitly not required in the first step for the decision and meetings of the jury. However submitted prototypes will not be returned.

Prototypes of selected works

The prototypes of selected works have to be provided for the exhibition instantly. By agreement postal charges can be repayed.
The design/ products may not have been offered for sale yet.

Award ceremony and exhibition

The award ceremony will take place on October the 15th , 2010, at MARTa Museum, Herford.
The award is endowed with a prize money of 2.500 €.  The exhibition will present the winners and further selected works until November the 7th at MARTa Herford. Further exhibits of selected works will follow at stilwerk Designcenters, Museum for Design, Gent, and other locations.