ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Open Call for Researchers | Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)


31 Jul 2016

Open Call for Researchers | Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)

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The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) is interested in commissioning researchers to carry out mapping on various arts and culture topics. These mappings will be published on ASEF’s arts and culture portal, and will be widely disseminated amongst our networks in Asia and Europe.

We are looking to commission two (02) research studies/reports, as follows:
1. innovative and enabling policy measures as well as case studies in the area of arts and disability in the 51 ASEM countries (about 50 pages);
2. the cultural mapping of the 10 ASEAN countries (including traditional and contemporary organisations) in the following areas: visual arts, film, literature, arts management, cultural heritage, creative industries, artists’ mobility, status of the artist, digital, arts and disability, culture in development, and trends, issues and challenges in Asia-Europe collaboration (about 25-45 pages).

We are looking for independent researchers/specialists who will undertake this work for us. The researcher or specialist will work in consultation with the Culture Department at ASEF.

Read more about ASEF's work in the arts at:

Researchers/Specialists from any of the 51 member countries of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) are invited to send their proposals. See link for the list of ASEM Partners:

Your proposal(s) must contain:
• Your name
• Nationality
• Contact details: phone & email
• A short proposal for either or both research topics listed above
• Proposed fee
• Samples of your previous work/link to your website

Send your info to with “Open call for Researchers” in the subject line latest by 31 July 2016.
We look forward to working with you to keep our reports readable, informative and up-to-date!