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Opportunities > Open call:cultural management papers


18 Oct 2010

Open call:cultural management papers


The 11th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC 2011) will be held in Antwerp, Belgium 3 – 6 July, 2011. Researchers are invited to submit proposals for paper presentations. Proposals from any relevant discipline will be considered, provided they make an original academic contribution to the study of cultural management. This scientific conference will address various sectors of the arts and cultural industries (performing arts and festivals, heritage, museums and visual arts, film production and distribution, book publishing, recording, broadcasting, audiovisual media and multimedia, design).

All research that utilizes the arts and cultural industries as a context of study for examination of broader business research questions are welcome. All those wishing to present a paper at the conference must submit an abstract of 1.500 – 2.000 words.

 Abstracts can only be submitted via the website, in English or French and must include:

• Objectives of the research

• Brief description of the Model used (if appropriate)

• Hypotheses and/or Research Questions

• Methodology

• Main or expected conclusions

• Main references

Abstracts will undergo a double blind review process, and authors will be informed of acceptance by early 2011.