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Opportunities > Paris | Pernod Ricard Fellowship at Villa Vassilieff - residencies call


30 Apr 2019

Paris | Pernod Ricard Fellowship at Villa Vassilieff - residencies call

Interior image of villa vassilieff residency space in paris

Asia is among the priority regions for applicant for this years Pernod Ricard Fellowship, with a 3 month fully funded residency offered at the Villa Vassilieff in Montparnasse, Paris. The Fellowship aims at questioning our relationship to history and heritage in contact with current cultural and social issues

Pernod Ricard and Villa Vassilieff are delighted to announce the continuation of the Pernod Ricard Fellowship for the fifth consecutive year. The Pernod Ricard Fellowship is conceived as a research and artistic platform, experimenting with non‑linear models of generating and distributing knowledge to encourage different possible connections between researchers, contemporary artists, cultural institutions, non-profit organizations and the general public.

Inheriting the cosmopolitan and convivial spirit of the historical studio, art academy and artists’ cantina founded and run by Marie Vassilieff in the heart of Montparnasse, the Fellows enjoy a tailor-made support, special meetings with local or international researchers and art professionals relevant to their needs, and access to a rich network of institutions in France and abroad such as Centre Pompidou (a long-term, privileged partner of Pernod Ricard and Bétonsalon – Center for Art and Research).

Fellows benefit from the research programs developed by Villa Vassilieff in collaboration with museums, private and public archives, universities and art schools, with a focus on rarely explored resources. The Pernod Ricard Fellowship ambitions to offer a sustainable support for artists, by involving local and international partners.

The Fellowship aims at questioning our relationship to history and heritage in contact with current cultural and social issues, offering various pathways for conducting new investigations and collecting multiple stories of our globalized world. The Villa Vassilieff’s ongoing program of multiple events and encounters will facilitate the imagination of new modalities for dialogue, exchange, work and production.


• A 3-month residency in a in a private studio at Villa Vassilieff

• A 6000 euro grant to cover living expenses in Paris

• A 5000 euro production & research grant

• A tailor-made program of meetings and visits

• 1 or 2 round-trips to Paris

• Access to unexplored resources

• An exceptional network of collaborators, with Centre Pompidou as main partner


Every year, 4 international Fellows (artists, curators and researchers) are invited by an Artistic Committee for a 3-month residency on the basis of a research proposal.

This year, the Pernod Ricard Fellowship focuses on four geographical zones:

  • Southern Europe
  • Asia
  • Central & South America
  • Africa

Provisional timeline:

Deadline for applications: April 30, 2019

Selection of the four fellows by the Artistic commitee: June, 2019

Villa Vassilieff is run by Bétonsalon - Center for Art and Research, both are cul­tural insti­tu­tions of the city of Paris, cer­ti­fied insti­tu­tions of national interest by the Ministry of Culture.

Villa Vassilieff, located in Montparnasse aims to recon­nect with its his­tory of an old artist’s studio by inviting artists and researchers to take a con­tem­po­rary look at this her­itage. The pro­gramme of Villa Vassilieff is ded­i­cated to un-explored resources and aims to rewrite and diver­sify the his­tory of art. With the sup­port of its first sponsor, Pernod Ricard, Villa Vassilieff leads the Pernod Ricard Fellowship, a res­i­dency pro­gram ded­i­cated to four inter­na­tional artists, researchers and cura­tors every year. Villa Vassilieff also col­lab­o­rates with museums and insti­tu­tions -such as the Pompidou Center- to offer artists numerous research and res­i­dency grants.