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Opportunities > Performance Architecture | international ideas competition


06 Jan 2012

Performance Architecture | international ideas competition


Performance Architecture is an international ideas competition aiming to choose proposals for five temporary urban interventions in the scope of Guimarães 2012 European Capital of Culture, Portugal.

The competition intends to draw up architectural and urban strategies that, in reactivating performance art approaches, provide new directions as to the roles of architects, artists and designers in the urban context. The competition selects multidisciplinary teams proposing temporary concepts and structures that will stimulate the appropriation of controversial public spaces by the city inhabitants.

The five selected proposals will be implemented and experienced in Guimarães.

While welcoming temporary interventions that meet programming needs for the visibility and urban interaction of Guimarães 2012 European Capital of Culture (kiosks, receptions, micro-exhibitions, meeting- points, playgrounds, etc.), the Performance Architecture competition focuses on architectural and urban practices that replace the building of monuments and other lasting structures with installations, actions, happenings and temporary urban interventions.

Through ideas that will come out of a bottom-up selection process – however involving protagonists who foresaw this approach as members of the jury and participants in a one-day seminar – Performance Architecture centres on architectural operations that acknowledge the awareness of the body, the relevance of the community and the presence of a social critique in reinventing public space.

See website for full regulations, application procedure and prizes.

Deadline: January 6 2012