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Opportunities > Philippines | All Asian Independent Film Festival 2022


11 Sep 2022

Philippines | All Asian Independent Film Festival 2022

The All Asian Independent Film Festival (AAIFF) is calling for submissions from Asian independent filmmakers for their third edition in Manila, the Philippines, from 16 to 20 November 2022.

The AAIFF, the sister film festival of the European Independent Film Festival (ÉCU), was launched to offer excellent opportunities for all the Asian independent filmmakers to find audiences for their films, to connect with peers, distributors and talent scouts and to provide a film festival experience.

Film categories

  • Dramatic Feature
  • Dramatic Short (up to 30 minutes)
  • Documentary
  • Animated Film
  • Music Video
  • Experimental Film
  • Comedy Film
  • Student Film
  • Environmental Film

Entries are accepted from the following ASEM countries

Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Laos PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Korea, Thailand, Viet Nam.

Film requirements

Films should be independent in spirit and original in perspective. The festival is open to all films made with less than 50% participation by a major studio or television broadcaster. Films may be submitted in any language, however if the film is not in English, it must have English subtitles. 

Films must be completed since 1 November 2020.

Application guidelines 

Deadline: 11 September 2022