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Opportunities > Philippines Creative Economy conference - call for papers


15 May 2018

Philippines Creative Economy conference - call for papers


Call for Papers – Philippines National Commission on Culture and the Arts (NCCA) International Conference on Cultural Statistics and Creative Economy, to be held in Manila in October 2018. 

The 2018 International Conference on Cultural Statistics and Creative Economy will exhibit the initiatives of neighboring Southeast Asian countries in their creative economies and their studies about statistical data on cultural studies.

Conference Goals                                                                                           

The goal of this conference is to provide a venue for researchers, cultural workers, and academics to enrich and enliven discussions and propositions about the emerging fields of cultural statistics and creative economy.                      

The first Conference on Cultural Statistics and Creative Economy was organised by the National Commission on Culture and the Arts (NCCA) in October 2017 to highlight and enrich the work on Philippine cultural statistics and creative economy, and discuss how this can be utilised in policy development. Case studies from the Philippines, the UK, and UNESCO were presented during the conference.

This 2018, the Conference will include case studies from neighbouring Southeast Asian countries on statistical data and research in the creative and cultural sectors. Topics include:

Cultural Statistics in Southeast Asian context

• Cultural statistics frameworks
• Data collection methodology in the following domains: (1) Cultural and Natural Heritage (2) Performance and Celebration (3) Visual Arts and Artisan Products (4) Books and Press (5) Audio, Visual, Broadcast, and Interactive Media (6) Tourism Sports and Recreation (7) Intangible Cultural Heritage Education and Training (8) Archiving and Preserving (9) Equipment and Supporting Materials  

Creativity and Economy

• Contribution of creativity to economy
• Creative economy workers
• Cultural/creative hubs
• Cultural tourism
• Game industry
• DIY urbanism
• Cultural/creative economy of cities

Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 May 2018
Conference Dates: October 2018 (2nd or 3rd week), to be announced
Location: Metro Manila, Philippines
Complete Call details here

Sign up and submit papers here.