Pienkow Artist in Residency 2018 - Poland

International call for young visual artists to participate in the 2018 Edition of the Pienkow Artist Residency, 23 June - 7 July. The residency specialises in visual arts, especially painting, and concludes with a competition of artworks produced, with a cash stipend of 4,000 Euros for the winner.
Description of residency program
The Pienkow Artist in Residency program is the continuation of a visual arts residency program that lasted from 2001-2016. We host young artists from around the world for two weeks near Chelm, Poland, and provide them with an opportunity to paint, exchange ideas and engage with each other. The residency concludes in a competition of the works created during the two week stay. The residency concludes in a competition on Saturday, July 7th, the winner of which shall receive a stipend of 4000 euro to continue their artistic exploration and education.
Duration of residency
The 2018 edition of the Pienkow Artist in Residency program is from June 23rd to July 7th, 2018. For 2 weeks, you will stay together in a working environment. As there is a competition at the end of the residency, we require attendance for the full 2 weeks.
Disciplines, work equipment and assistance
The Pienkow Artist in Residency specializes in the visual arts, especially painting. We are open to mix medias, but generally, this is a painting competition. All equipment and materials to make paintings on canvas is provided by artist request and we may be able to fulfill additional requests as to equipment and materials depending on the individual request.
Artists are accomodated in individual beds in a shared room. Each room has 2 beds, a closet and a full bathroom. The rooms range from 20m2 to above 30m2. The rooms are well-furnished with access to Wifi both in room and in studio.
Studio/ workspace
There are two ateliers designated as workspace for the duration of the competition. Artists will be expected to share the spaces as they are quite large. Both are air conditioned and have good natural light as well as artificial lighting. Paint, canvas and other working materials are provided by us at the artists' request.
Fees and support
There are no fees expected from the artist. The residence covers transport from Warsaw to residency at the beginning and conclusion of the competition, meals and drink for the duration of the residence, as well as pre-arranged field trips for sightseeing in the area.
Expectations towards the artist
The artists are expected to arrive by Saturday June 23rd at 12:00am and leave no earlier than the closing of the competition on July 7th. We expect that you will be cooperative, ready to interact with other artists and eager to work.
Application information
The 2018 edition of the residency will be held from June 23rd to July 7th, 2018. Applications will be accepted until April 30th, 2018, and may be submitted through our application form: https://goo.gl/forms/Mxl3ekeERliFJ1zk2
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