ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Pirate Camp | Artist Campsite during the Venice Biennale | open call


10 May 2011

Pirate Camp | Artist Campsite during the Venice Biennale | open call


CONIGLIOVIOLA art group and the non-profit organization Kaninchen-haus are behind the international OPEN CALL for the 1st edition of Pirate Camp that will take place in Venice during the 54th International Art Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia.

The competition is open to international artists who are between 20 and 35 years old, and currently working in the field of visual arts.

The first Pirate Camp will host 16 international artists who will be given a tent to personalize according to their work and identity.

To apply, please submit:

  • contact details

  • personal details and studies

  • profile including: CV and a letter of motivation

  • a selection of significant artworks (you can upload from a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 10 jpeg images and, optionally, a maximum of 3 links to your video/audio projects)

  • a copy of a valid ID document/passport or a valid stateless document.

All applications have to be completed online.

“The Stateless Pavillion” is the title and theme of the 1st Pirate Camp: an invitation to focus on the theme of extraterritoriality seen as a natural and necessary condition for being-an-artist. A theme which finds it symbolical representation in the project’s two key-figures: the pirate and the encamped. The status of not-belonging-to-any-place (wheter real, common, cultural or symbolical), living on the edge, on the one hand consigns the artist to a condition of marginality, on the other it grants him a privileged point of view in representing and discussing the world.

The statelessness theme earns a special meaning when related to the context of La Biennale di Venezia, whose absolute peculiarity resides in the representation of national identities.
The Stateless Pavillion theme will develop as follows:

  • the 16 pirate-camp artists will be invited to develop specific art projects related to the theme.

  • the 16 pirate-camp artists will follow a dedicated seminar with relevant guests which will also be open to an external public audience.

Source: Pirate Camp