Poland | 3rd Textile Art Biennial of Poznan - open call

Open call for the 3rd Textile Art Biennial of Poznan, Poland. The Jak Malowana Foundation, City of Poznań, University of Arts Magdalena Abakanowicz in Poznań and the Nowa UAP Foundation invite artists to take part in the exhibition of contemporary artistic fabrics.
The Biennial is aimed at artists who create in the field of artistic textiles in the broadest sense and fiber art. Both professional artists and beginners are invited to participate.
The 3rd Biennial has the slogan - the main theme: FUTURE OF FREEDOM.
The curiosity of how contemporary Artists perceive the "Future of Freedom" prompts the Organizers to ask them for their opinion. And confront the effect. Contemporary art not only shows the state of modernity and its moods in a lens, but also inspires and gives respite. The artistic fabric, on the other hand, has the ability to convey difficult topics in an extremely close and even intimate way. BTA's mission is to constantly remind you that artistic fabric is a fully-fledged field of contemporary art.
Theme III BTA is based on curiosity. It is she who guides us, the Organizers, and resonates in you, the Artists. It will allow you to get out of the maze of applications that together will create a coherent message of the exhibition. What will this message be? Nobody can predict this. We are waiting for what time will bring. We are curious about what has recently been created in your studios. The narrative of the exhibition will be based on your sensitivity. We will try to conquer topics by juxtaposing various threads, convey moods, sum up desires, but it's up to you to decide on the Future of Freedom!
Deadline for receipt: June 27, 2021
Deadline for announcement of results – until July 31, 2021
Exhibition period – September 10 to October 17, 2021
Deadline for delivery of work – until August 31, 2021
Information in English and French here
The application for the 3rd BTA must include:
– A completed entry form (separate for each piece submitted)
– A maximum of 4 photos of a work, saved in JPG format and no larger than 2 MB, sent to btapoznan@gmail.com.
By July 31, the list of artists participating in the II Poznan Textile Art Biennial will be published on www.btapoznan.pl.
Poznań has been an important point on the Polish map of artistic textiles since the 1960s. The organizers of the exhibition want to revive and constantly feed the creative ferment in this field.
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