ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Polish- Japanese Poster Contest


01 Sep 2019

Polish- Japanese Poster Contest

In 2017, the University of the Arts in Poznań, in cooperation with the Rarytas Foundation, initiated a new, cyclical artistic event – the Polish Festival of Graphic Design ‘Ideography’. The goal of the event was to present the latest achievements of Polish graphic designers. In 2019, ‘Ideography’ is organised for the first time in an international context, with a focus on Polish-Japanese relations.

The competition under the 1 st International Review of Graphic Design ‘Ideography’ 2019 is a pretext for a contemporary interpretation of historical Polish-Japanese relations. It also elicits a question about the future of cultural exchange between our countries.

The subjects of the works submitted in the ‘ideograph’ category should cover multidimensional and multithreaded ideas on the meaning of the jubilee for both Polish and Japanese identities. Like no other medium, a poster seems to be the most appropriate form for the formulation and articulation of these ideas.

As in the first two editions, the competition is for the creators of posters and other graphic forms. There are two main categories: a poster and an ideograph (a self-edited author's poster).

The competition in the ‘ideograph’ category is dedicated to the topic of Polish-Japanese relations, seen from the broader perspective of intercultural exchange.

Categories of the competition are:
A: Cultural poster (posters issued in print for a specific client and created in 2017 and 2018).
B: Ideograph (the so-called self-edited posters). Participants submit works on the topic ‘Japan-Poland/Poland-Japan’ specified by the organisers.
Each author can submit up to five works. As for the Prizes, they are categorized as:
Main prize (PLN 5,000)
Category A prize (PLN 2,500)
Category B prize (PLN 2,500)

Deadline for submitting works – 1 September 2019

Further information (scroll down for English)