ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Porto | WOMEX call for proposals


16 Apr 2021

Porto | WOMEX call for proposals

Calling all artists, DJs/producers, filmmakers, conference speakers and mentors to submit proposals for WOMEX, the worldwide music expo, taking place in Porto, Portugal, 27-31 October 2021. 

From 27-31 October 2021, WOMEX will host the annual celebration of professional cultural exchange featuring Showcases, Conferences, Film Screenings, Club Summit and the Trade Fair.

The WOMEX call for proposals addresses all musicians, filmmakers and music professionals from across the globe. From all the received proposals, the official programme is selected by an independent, international and annually changing jury, also known as the Seven Samurai (2021 jury to be announced in the coming weeks).

Proposals can be made in four categories

Showcase | Club Summit | Film | Conference

and can be submitted from the dedicated website:

Made by the worldwide music community, our annual WOMEX programme is unparalleled in the scene; spanning all continents, from innovation to tradition, acoustic to electronic, inclusive of all sectors and expertise. For WOMEX 21, we aim to continue this, and are working for an in-person event in Porto, Portugal.

We recognise that there will still be challenges in our industry, come October 2021, and we are pursuing inclusive initiatives to reach and interact with our community across the world. 

Deadline to Apply: Friday, 16 April 2021