ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Portugal | World Stage Festival | open call


13 May 2015

Portugal | World Stage Festival | open call

None opencallworldstagefestival

Unitygate organises the World Stage Festival in Portugal on September 27 and calls for artists and companies to present at a Multicultural Festival of Dance and Music of the World, connected to nature and sustainability, with exhibition stands, workshops and performances.

Deadline for applications: 13 May 2015

The UNITYGATE 2015, happening in Lisbon, Estoril and Mafra is now calling individual artists, professional companies and / or informal groups to submit their work for presentation at the Cultural Exchange Platform on the World Stage to be held in Jardim do Cerco, Mafra, on September 27th, 2015.

Unitygate is a Portal of Union through Art, based on the convergence of cultures and through an annual artistic and cultural exchange Platform between Macao and Portugal.  In 2015, the World Stage Festival East-West cultural exchange will expand to a series of events in Portugal, Sweden and Macao/Taiwan/Hong Kong.

See website for details of how to apply - travel, expenses, accommodation and fees are not offered by the organisers.