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Opportunities > Prague Quadrennial | open call to performing arts designers


31 Oct 2014

Prague Quadrennial | open call to performing arts designers



Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space invites artists working with costume design, body design, live sculpture, mask, and other connected disciplines, to submit a piece of work for the experimental project the Tribes exhibition that will take place June 18 – 28, 2015 in Prague.

The Tribes project is the third experimental addition to the main expositions of the Prague Quadrennial 2015. The Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space is the largest scenography event in the world that explores a wide range of scenographic practices – from stage design and costume design to lighting design, sound design and new scenographic practices such as site-specific, applied scenography, urban performance, costume as performance, and much more. PQ 2015 will take place June 18 – 28, 2015 in Prague.

In the Tribes exhibition the artifacts of the exposition will be living people and the exhibitions’ scenography will be the public spaces of Prague.

Within a tribe one has to share their own self – which might be painful. Within a tribe one gets the safety and stimulation of being in a group. Do we still need that? Theatricality is colorful, fake and over the top. Can theatricality be conceptual? The PQ will install healing tribes on the weak points of the city of Prague to question everything.

Individual artists, teachers and students are invited to bring their Tribes and exhibit them in Prague during the Quadrennial in June 2015. A Tribe will consist of minimum of 4 people: a) that are fully masked (ideally covered from top to bottom) b) that have a dress code (costumes of similar aesthetics), c) and have a behavior code (unified way of acting).

The Tribes will be invited to follow a designated route through the center of Prague from place A to place B. This route will take approximately 40 minutes to walk and will take the Tribes through more and less public spaces in the center of the city. At the end of the walk each Tribe will have an opportunity to present a 10 minutes performance on a public space stage with no electricity or equipment. Exact instructions about the specific route and other info will be sent to the selected participants at the beginning of 2015.

The Tribes for the exhibition will be selected by Sodja Lotker, Artistic Director of the Prague Quadrennial.

Please send two photos or drawings of the Tribe and a 200 words text and a 200 words bio before October 31, 2014. Please also write which dates during the PQ you prefer to present and if you would be willing to present more than once. Successful applicants will be informed by November 28th, 2014. Please note that the travel and accommodation costs are covered by participants.

PDF format available HERE.