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Opportunities > Rave Scholarships - museum sector young professionals call


30 Jul 2018

Rave Scholarships - museum sector young professionals call


Rave Scholarships support further practical training for young curators, restorers, museum technicians and cultural managers from countries in transition and developing countries who have arranged a guest period, a practical training or non-paid work at a museum, at a non-commercial gallery or at a non-commercial cultural institution in Germany.

Applicants are required to present:

  • a project sketch (1 page) developed together with the German institution – informing about tasks and responsibilities of the planned visit to Germany,
  • consent form a non-commercial German institution to care for the applicant during the scholarship period in Germany,

see website for other application requirements.

Target groups

  • curators
  • restorers
  • museum technicians
  • cultural managers

from transformation and developing countries who have arranged a guest period, a practical training or non-paid work at a museum, at a non-commercial gallery or at a non-commercial cultural institution in Germany.


The Rave Scholarship is a working scholarship and requires the holder’s presence. It includes the following payments:

  • a monthly lump sum of 1,300 € for a scholarship period of three to six months
  • travelling expenses (to and from Germany)
  • health insurance


Scholarships will be awarded to applicants

  • who come from a transformation or developing country and are still living there,
  • who did not have the opportunity yet to come for a longer stay or did not have further training or working stay in Germany,
  • who finished their professional training not longer than five years ago and are not yet over 40. Those still studying or training at the time of application will not be considered for selection,
  • who have found a non-commercial partner institution in Germany that has agreed to take care of them or agreed to a joint project,
  • who can provide a positive statement from their own country (reference),
  • Knowledge of one of the three languages German, English or French is a requirement.

Applicants who were rejected once cannot apply again.

The application date is 30 July each year. Selections will be made within 3 months.