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Opportunities > Rewilding Cultures mobility grants 2023


19 May 2023

Rewilding Cultures mobility grants 2023

The Rewilding Cultures project is calling for applications from artists, researchers and technologists for their grant programme that supports mobility or mobility-related work to destinations in a Creative Europe country.

Rewilding Cultures (RC) is a Creative Europe collaboration project, which wants to reposition the wild within the field of art practices connecting to science and technology. RC aims to initiate a conversation on cultural exchange and offers grants for mobility beyond the current forms of support, as well as backing for work and experiments which contribute to the rethinking of mobility and cultural exchange in novel ways.

Over the next 3 years the RC network partners will issue 8 grants every yeareach with up to 1,400 EUR support

Artists, researchers and technologists can apply for mobility or mobility-related work to destinations beyond the RC network partners. The proposed activity needs to happen in 2023. No prior affiliation with any of the RC partner associations is required. 

The activity should be conducted with an organisation or venue which is not part of the RC network

The applicant needs either to reside in a Creative Europe country or the mobility destination needs to be located in a Creative Europe country which is different from the country of residence.

What they are looking for

The RC project wants to empower more sustainable and inclusive practices within cultural exchange. With this call RC wants to offer support for those who are aspiring towards more sustainable choices and practices, have needs and wants which go beyond current forms of funding but also for those who want to experiment, test and question not only with mobility but also through work. They also offer support for ongoing activities.

Rewilding Cultures application guidelines

Deadline: 19 May 2023