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Opportunities > Saison Foundation Japan | International Project Support and Visiting Fellows | grants call


08 Nov 2012

Saison Foundation Japan | International Project Support and Visiting Fellows | grants call


The Saison Foundation in Japan announces calls for 2013 International Project Support and Visiting Fellows programmes, targeting performing artists and theatre and dance professionals seeking collaboration and research stays in Japan.

Contemporary Theatre and Dance: International Project Support Program

This program offers grants and/or priority use of space at Morishita Studio in Tokyo (studios and guest rooms) -for international theater, dance, or performance art collaboration projects with not-for-profit contemporary Japanese performing artists and/or companies, -including creative workshops and rehearsals held during the working process. Priority will be given to projects - that will advance through continuous working processes, based on sufficient mutual understanding between artistic partners.

  • Applications will be accepted under the condition that an artistic partnership has already been established between the Japanese and foreign artists/companies who will be working together in the proposed project.

  • The maximum length of a grant-receiving period for a continued project is three years, grantees will be requested to submit their applications each year for evaluation, though. Applicants may include activities related to the preparatory stage of the project, such as meetings, research, residencies, workshops, etc.

The amount of support sought to the Foundation should not exceed the deficit in the proposed project's budget. There will be no restrictions on the purpose of spending money. Please find out more about our current and past awardees and programs at our website [].

Application Form Request Letter deadline: October 11


Visiting Fellows Program

This program aims to build up an international network for contemporary performing arts and to enhance mutual understanding, and gives an opportunity for artists and arts administrators to research the contemporary performing arts scene in Japan. The program supports research visits to Japan for those who are expected to play an important role in the international performing arts scene. The program offers grants and guest rooms at Morishita Studio during the research visit.

  1. Research residency for Artists

  2. Research residency for Arts Administrators

Application Form Request Letter deadline: November 8


Download APPLICATION GUIDELINES for both programmes

NOTE that potential applicants for both programmes must first send a project outline to request an Application Form. The two programs have different deadlines. Full applications to be returned within deadlines specified in the guidelines.

The Saison Foundation is a grant-making foundation established in July 1987 that supports projects and activities related to contemporary Japanese theater and dance. In order to increase the visibility of contemporary Japanese performing arts (theater, dance, and performance art) on a worldwide level, The Saison Foundation awards grants and priority use of its rehearsal/workshop and residence facilities at Morishita Studio in Tokyo.