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Opportunities > Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio Residence Program 2016-2017


14 Nov 2016

Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio Residence Program 2016-2017

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Open Call for Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio Residence Program 2016-2017 Winter. Artists and creators are invited to participate in working at Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio. Artists are invited to develop their ideas through work based on three key terms: Winter, Snow, Subarctic. Open to creators in visual arts, photography, film and design.

Sapporo is one of the world’s more unique cities of its size, as for a good portion of the year its 2 million residents live in a cold, snowy area. In Sapporo city hall one finds a Snow Management Office, which symbolizes the central importance of snowy life in this urban city. Urbanization was driven by the Sapporo Winter Olympics in 1972. Developments include road heating, underground passages and transportation infrastructure; winter entertainment includes sports and snow festivals, as well as all sorts of creative activities to vitalize the city.

When you look at Sapporo and Hokkaido within the context of Japan, this area boasts a very special natural environment, lifestyle as well as history. At the same time, when you look at the place without emphasizing national borders, originally this area belongs to the subarctic region of globe. In this context, the life of people in Sapporo and Hokkaido are the southern reaches of a long line of subarctic culture. For the open call in this year, we hope to cross these two perspectives. Together with the creative mind of artists, it will be a great experiment to work toward seeing beyond the boundary.

Artists are invited to develop their ideas through work based on three key terms: Winter, Snow, Subarctic. The program, together with the supporting institution of the program, Hokkaido University Creative Research Institution Research Support Office, offers an opportunity to assist the artwork and research that will drive the projects of invited artists. For instance, the Office could facilitate accessing research by Hokkaido University or arrange site specific investigations on the University campus where large amounts of snow resources are available in the urban environment. We look forward to receiving enthusiastic applications from artists and creators.

Length of stay at the studio: Up to 8 weeks from January 14th Saturday to March 14th Tuesday, 2017.

* Artists are required to stay at the studio during the project period between January 20th Friday and February 28th Tuesday.


・Any nationality, place of residence, age (you must be at least 18 years old when you start the residence), sex or gender.

・Applicants must have experience of a previous artist in residence program. (Students are not eligible)

* Acceptable areas are visual arts, photography, film and design.

Deadline: 14 November 2016