ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Scotland | Hot Glass residency opportunities


16 Nov 2012

Scotland | Hot Glass residency opportunities


North Lands Creative Glass in Lybster, a small fishing village on the North East Coast in the Highlands of Scotland, is a place for glass artists but also painters, sculptors, architects and designers wishing to explore the technical and artistic potential of glass either on its own or in combination with other materials.


This opportunity is open to artists worldwide.

Application deadline: 16 November 2012

North Lands Creative Glass is offering a six week residency for four talented artists working in hot glass. We are looking for artists who have an interest in exploring new forms of making, or ways of working, through collaboration. The residency will offer the opportunity to create work and collaborate with other artists while also developing new techniques and ideas. This opportunity will allow you to enhance your own practice while working within a peer group to share and gain further skills. Artists-in-residence benefit from a comprehensive range of facilities in the Alastair Pilkington Studio.

Each residency brings four glass and visual artists, at different stages of their career, to live and work together here for six to eight weeks, or here and another venue for mixed-media partnership residencies. Through collaboration, cross fertilisation of ideas and practice, the residency creates new opportunities for learning, exploration and creative development.

Residents come from the UK and overseas and this international blend of ideas and talent is one of the key strengths of the residencies.  Our Alastair Pilkington Studio enables the artists in residence to benefit from a wide range of facilities. Artists often cite their residency as a seminal moment in their work, where the space and time afforded at North Lands Creative Glass has led to a new body of work, or new direction which has significantly influenced their work. You can see images from past residencies in the North Lands Flickr set

This residency is supported by Creative Scotland.