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Opportunities > SEAFIC Seed Lab - call for SE Asia short film directors


01 Oct 2021

SEAFIC Seed Lab - call for SE Asia short film directors

Open call to promising Southeast Asian short film directors for the inaugural SEAFIC (Southeast Asia Fiction Film Lab) Seed Lab, a professional development intensive workshop with sessions online and in Thailand.

Introducing SEAFIC Seed Lab, a brand new concept which can be considered a precursor to the SEAFIC Script Lab proper. We seek to identify up to five promising Southeast Asian short film directors who have not yet started writing their feature film projects – or more succinctly, those who are just in the exploration phase of their first feature ideas. These selected filmmakers shall then attend 2 lab sessions within 3 months, during which they will have a chance to work with our mentors to explore and develop their directorial vision as well as ideas that may be further developed into potential synopses and directors’ intentions. And at Seed Lab, there is no pressure or deadlines – the goal is to let our filmmakers be inspired to seek out their own paths, with the help of experts who listen.

Nationals of the following countries are eligible for SEAFIC Seed Lab participation: Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Brunei, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Permanent residents are not eligible. Verification of passport is required as proof of nationality.

SEAFIC Seed Lab shall take place in two sessions:

1st session online: December 4-9, 2021

2nd session in-person: Early March 2022 in Phuket, Thailand (under Phuket Sandbox scheme)

Those interested in applying to Seed Lab will need to satisfy a number of requirements:

- short film directors from Southeast Asia with a minimum of two shorts (fiction, experimental, docu) who have *not* had a 1st feature length script idea that were developed at international labs or programs

- at least one previous short must have been previously selected in one of the reputable international film festivals that we have listed on our eligibility page:

Deadline to apply is October 1st, 2021. Please note that applicants must answer some detailed questions about their filmmaking, including their cinematic influences and statement of intent, so please allow some time to fill out our forms. For more information on submissions:

As we know there may be lots of questions about our new Seed Lab, we plan to do a live Q&A in the upcoming days, so please stay tuned!