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Opportunities > Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2021 - open call


30 Jun 2020

Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2021 - open call

The Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2021 (SBAU2021) is launching an international Call for Proposals (CFP) to identify the works that could be featured in the main exhibition of the SBAU 2021.

With the intention of gathering the projects produced or projected in about 100 cities around the world, this call for proposals is open to all experts: architects, urban planners, designers, researchers, students (as part of a university team), artists, city representatives, writers, artists.

Any project can be submitted: built (less than 10 years), unbuilt, theoretical, academic, fictional. Recent and unpublished projects will be preferred, and new proposals are welcome. The proposal shall imperatively be applied to a specific city. The city can be anywhere around the world.

The theme is: CROSSROADS - Building the resilient city

The number of selected projects is not limited and all relevant projects may be selected. The selected proposals, provided they are technically and financially feasible, aim to be realized at the SBAU2021.

Proposals must consider, either discussing and/or challenging the five intersecting figures of the SBAU 2021 to nourish our vision of the city:

  • Crossroad 1 (c1) on urbanism: ABOVE / BELOW
  • Crossroad 2 (c2) on architecture: HERITAGE / MODERN
  • Crossroad 3 (c3) on design: CRAFT / DIGITAL
  • Crossroad 4 (c4) on landscape: NATURAL / ARTIFICIAL
  • Crossroad 5 (c5) on the city: SAFE / RISK


Deadline for registration- By midnight (Korean time) on Tuesday, June 30, 2020 or 8.30 pm IST on Monday, June 29, 2020

Deadline for Submission- By midnight (Korean time) on Friday, July 31, 2020 or 8.30 pm on Thursday, July 30, 2020

For more information: