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Opportunities > Seoul | Citypreneurs Urban Innovation Challenge call for proposals


31 Jul 2019

Seoul | Citypreneurs Urban Innovation Challenge call for proposals

Urban Innovation Challenge, also known as "Citypreneurs" is a young SDGs startup competition in Seoul for prospective entrepreneurs from around the world interested in solving urban issues in Seoul and achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Citypreneurs acknowledges that start-ups may be at various stages of development, and thus offers a dual track system: SEED TRACK and GROWTH TRACK.

The Seed Track is designed for early-stage startups looking for validation of their ventures. These startups have much more flexibility to focus on urban issues specifically identified by partnering Seoul City agencies. Startups of three or more years and market-tested prototypes will participate and pitch on the Growth Track.

All chosen Citypreneur teams are invited to submit a project under one of the following three themes: (1) Healthy & Inclusive Ageing, (2) Developing Skills and (3) Green Consumption & Production.

The top 30 finalists receive:

ㆍ(Seed Track) Business model mentoring & pitch clinics
ㆍPermanent membership with Citypreneurs, right to use official Citypreneurs branding
ㆍNetworking opportunities with global finalists
ㆍTravel subsidy for teams coming from outside of Seoul
ㆍTech transfer opportunities
ㆍJoint project opportunities with larger companies
ㆍLow-interest borrowing rights from the Citypreneurs Community Fund (300K USD)

ㆍInvitation to UN Conferences and Events

For the winners:

ㆍInvestment opportunities from a pool of interested money (50M+ USD)
ㆍAwards from UN and Seoul City Officials
ㆍPrivate Demo Day with investors
ㆍImpact evaluation matrix development guidance

​SEED TRACK (3 Teams)
ㆍGo-to-market consulting
ㆍTotal award money of 22M KRW

ㆍPilot and R&D opportunities with cities, including Seoul
ㆍInvitation to international, high-level panels
ㆍCompany introduction at Mayoral meetings and/or UN Conferences

DEADLINE for entries: 31 July 2019