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Opportunities > Share Prize 2012 | digital arts open call


20 Jun 2012

Share Prize 2012 | digital arts open call


The Share Prize is designed to discover, promote and support art in the digital age.  This year it focuses on the theme for the 8th Share Festival in Turin, Italy entitled Open Your City.

The contest is dedicated to artists that use digital technology as a language of creative expression, in all shapes and formats and in combination with analogical technologies and/or any other material.

Open Your City is the guiding theme for the Share Festival 2012. A theme that contains three key, simple and direct words, the pillars on which this year’s festival programme will be built. Open Your City will also provide the blueprint for this year’s Share Prize.

An international jury will short-list six finalists for the prize, who will be invited to take part in the 8th Share Festival, to be held in Torino from 30th October to 11th November 2012, at the Regional Museum of Natural Science.

The winner will receive a cash prize of EUR 2,500.00.

The names of the short-listed finalists (maximum six nominees) will be announced by the end of July 2012.

Deadline for entries: 20 June