ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Singapore Bienniale 2013 | open call


21 Dec 2012

Singapore Bienniale 2013 | open call


The fourth edition of Singapore’s premier contemporary art exhibition, Singapore Biennale 2013 (SB 2013), returns in 2013.  SB 2013 is inviting artists to submit their proposals for consideration.

Titled “If The World Changed”, SB2013 will take place from 26 October 2013 to 16 February 2014. SB 2013 features a bold, new collaborative curatorial structure that comprises a team of 27 co-curators. More than 20 art professionals in Southeast Asia and Asia with distinct local knowledge of regional art practices are on board to offer their viewpoints and local knowledge.

SB2013 is seeking proposals that:

  1. Respond to the Biennale title in a compelling way. (Please refer to the Singapore Biennale 2013 brief in the Open Call Information document.)

  2. Engage with Southeast Asia and Asia.

  3. Engage with a variety of audiences ranging from art enthusiasts to those who are encountering contemporary art for the first time.

  4. Activate and transform the experience of venues and spaces. The Biennale will be sited within the Bras Basah-Bugis Precinct, with key sites including:

To find out more about the Open Call, please download the documents available on the SB2013 website

All material will be reviewed by members of the curatorial team and shortlisted artists may be invited for further discussion with the curators and possible inclusion in the Biennale.

Deadline for proposals: 21 December 2012