ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Singapore: first Atelier for Young Festival Managers in Asia


17 Dec 2010

Singapore: first Atelier for Young Festival Managers in Asia

None Do you belong to the next generation of artistic festival directors? Do you feel the need to widen your horizons, broaden your programming skills, grow your network and get inspired by your peers and experienced forerunners? Are you excited about the cultural and festival life in Singapore?

Young festival managers from all over the world are invited to Singapore to take part in the first Atelier for Young Festival Managers in Asia – an intense course from 14 - 21 May 2011. A group of 45 young festival managers meets for 7 days to work in small topic-based working groups, attend lectures and debates, learn from case studies and implement practical activities.

The Atelier is especially designed for those who are working or have ambitions to become involved in programming or in programming-related departments within a festival. Participants develop exciting new ideas under the professional and extremely generous guidance of renowned festival managers.

Application form and motivation letter need to be sent to the European Festivals Association no later than 17 December 2010

For more information please see below:

Atelier_SINGAPORE 2011_Application Form_revised16Nov

Atelier_SINGAPORE 2011_Call for Application_revised16Nov

To find out more about past activities please go to: