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Opportunities > Sound Development City Summer Expedition to Riga and Helsinki | open call


25 Apr 2014

Sound Development City Summer Expedition to Riga and Helsinki | open call

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Sound Development City is looking for project proposals that engage with the theme of Mind the Gap! to be developed through a three-week expedition from Riga to Helsinki. Artists working in all disciplines can apply through the open call process.

The organisers are looking for interventions, sound surveys, performances, experiments, moving images, and artistic research projects that will benefit from being on the road, and will probe urban environments as sites of both playfulness as well as social involvement.

The key requirements are curiosity, openness to experimentation, process-oriented work, and adventurousness. We also welcome an inter-disciplinary approach and readiness to collaborate.

The Sound Development City Summer Expedition 2014 will take place from August 28th until September 13th, 2014 and will explore the cities of Riga, Helsinki and the Baltic Sea area.

General Conditions

An international jury of five will select about 10 participants from the submitted applications. The selection criteria are artistic quality, originality and feasibility of realizing the proposed project.

Sound Development City is made possible by Sound Development, based in Switzerland. Participation in the project is free of charge. Travel costs, daily expenses and budget required for materializing the individual projects are supplied. In addition, Sound Development City provides a stipend of 3,000 Euros to all participants.

Participants must agree to take part in the expedition throughout its entire duration in an active and comprehensive manner. Public presentation and networking events are integral to the program. The project managers of Sound Development City will initiate these events in collaboration with fellow organizations in Riga and Helsinki.

Application deadline is April 25, 2014

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