Southeast Asian Choreolab 2018 | call for applications

Rimbun Dahan invites emerging contemporary dance choreographers (or performance artists or physical theatre creators) to apply for the Southeast Asian Choreolab 2018.
This international facilitated choreographic laboratory will take place at Rimbun Dahan, outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 23 June to 1 July 2018.
14 chosen choreographers will live, work and explore together in the arts community of Rimbun Dahan for 9 days, with guidance from our international facilitator, German choreographer Isabelle Schad.
The program will consist of 7 work days with 2 days of study-tour. Work days will take place in the dance studio at Rimbun Dahan and will consist of sessions exploring choreographic methods, analysis and movement techniques led by Isabelle Schad and the participants themselves.
Other activities include artists talks by invited guest artists, live performance viewing, and informal socialising and discussions.
The first study tour day will explore the main arts institutions in and around Kuala Lumpur. The second study tour day will give your bodies and minds a break, with a half-day trip to a nearby seaside town.
Who we’re looking for
- Emerging contemporary dance choreographers, aged 35 or under, or who began creating contemporary work within the last five years. Artists who create performance art or physical theatre works are also eligible.
- You should have established a professional or semi-professional practice, and have created at least 3 short works or 1 full-length work.
- Citizen of and resident in an ASEAN country (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Burma/Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam) or Papua New Guinea or East Timor.
- Able to communicate functionally in English.
- Excited to increase your knowledge base, share your practice and establish networks with your international peers.
Deadline for applications: 30 November 2018
This is a joint project of Rimbun Dahan, MyDance Alliance, and World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific, in partnership with Goethe-Institut.
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