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Opportunities > Southeast Asian Ecologies and Visual Culture - call for journal submissions


31 Aug 2018

Southeast Asian Ecologies and Visual Culture - call for journal submissions


Antennae: Journal of Nature in Visual Culture seeks submissions from writers, artists, curators, and cultural theorists working with nature, ecology, and post-humanistic philosophy in Southeast Asia.  The theme is: UNCONTAINABLE NATURES: Southeast Asian Ecologies and Visual Culture. Abstracts due by 31 August. Antennae is also recruiting a team of Global Contributors (see below for details).

The past few decades have seen a resurgence of forms of containment in Southeast Asia, whether political (new governmental exclusions and repressions) or epistemological (new scientific understandings of nature). More acutely, certain governments and non-governmental organizations have utilized and underwritten a politics of nature, instrumentalizing nature for their own ends. This issue will gather papers and artistic contributions that contest this new reality. How have recent “scientific” understandings of nature in the region reaffirmed capitalism? How is nature uncontained and uncontainable in Southeast Asia?

Read more about the theme on the website


Climate change, past and present

Political economics of nature

Species loss

Rights to land, air and water



Ghosts, spirits, specters

Spirit lives of objects

Feminist, LGBTQ/ intersectional recuperations of ‘traditional’ eco-lore

Non-human ecological agents: animals, plants, mountains, forests, oceans

Ecological ramifications of recent archaeological research (for example the Sulawesi cave paintings) and associated art historical shifts

Non-visual sensual ecologies and knowledges: sonic, haptic, energetic fields

Urban nature cultures

New migrant species, viruses or bacteria

Critical technological interconnectivities

Critical internet ecologies and cosmologies

Science fictional and speculative ecologies

Southeast Asian eco-hack-and-tinkerings

Politics and cultures of waste


31st of August, 2018: Abstracts due (Please submit a 350 words abstract along with a CV and one or two images)

31st of October 2018: Selection process is finalized and feedback sent

31st of March, 2019: Submissions of final pieces

Antennae calls for submissions on a rolling basis. Submissions are open to visual arts, academic and non-academic texts.

Antennae is currently recruiting a Team of Global Contributors to keep the journal informed with local realities concerning visual cultures and animals from around the world. We are seeking Global Contributors from China, Japan, Russia, Germany, South America and Africa. To apply and for more information, please email us at