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Opportunities > Spain | 15th Fira Mediterrania de Manresa | call for performances


16 Mar 2012

Spain | 15th Fira Mediterrania de Manresa | call for performances


Call to performing and interdisciplinary artists for artistic proposals to participate in the15th FIRA MEDITERRÀNIA DE MANRESA, 8 - 11 NOVEMBER 2012 in Catalonia, Spain.

Fira Mediterrània of Manresa is a market for new artistic creations inspired by Catalan traditions or those common to the Mediterranean shores.

Organised by the Fira Mediterrània Foundation, it has been held annually in Manresa for thirteen years. Being a market, the main objective of Mediterrània is to help the programmed acts to be contracted by the attending programmers. There are usually around a hundred different artistic shows on offer.


Fira Mediterrània of Manresa, with its Mediterrània Professional Meeting, is part of the arts festival programme on which the performance markets scene, shaped by the Ministry of Culture of the Catalan Government, is structured.

It is interdisciplinary in nature (visual arts, circus, dance, exhibitions, music, oral storytelling, theatre) and presents new artistic creations, to be performed both indoors and outdoors, that are inspired by the cultural features of Catalonia and the entire Mediterranean area. The performances are small, medium or large scale and aimed at both family and adult audiences.

Priority is given to:

  • New performances, never staged before in Catalonia or Spain.

  • Which demonstrate their interest for the Fira as a business area.

  • Also the proposals that allow more than one session, so that they may reach a bigger audience for the professional delegates.

  • The professional delegates registered in the last edition of the Fira.

The last edition of Fira received 956 applications, of which 122 were chosen. The programme is designed depending on the undertaking each group makes in the Fair as a potential business area, the infrastructural capacity, the companies’ professionalism and suitability to the various existing formats.

The deadline for submitting proposals is Friday 16th March 2012.

See website for all application details and guidelines.

This opportunity came via Circostrada Network (Thanks!)