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Opportunities > Spain | NEXT THINGS 2016 open call


12 Apr 2016

Spain | NEXT THINGS 2016 open call

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The goal of the NEXT THINGS challenge from LABORAL in Spain is to bring together art and technology, artists with technologies, and to unleash the huge potential of mixing the creativity and perspective of artists with the nowadays powerful open hardware technologies.

NEXT THINGS 2016 - VISIBLE pursues innovative and breakthrough ideas on the Internet of Things in the context of art and technology. This call is seeking artistic and research projects exploring the conflicts arising between the freedom of the network and the privacy of the users, between the public presence and the private sphere, between control and transparency. Also what is the role of technology in these conflicts and the use artists make of it. We would like to analyze all these questions through the gaze of artists and creators working in the fields of art and technology. The proposal must be formalized as an object that can be manufactured in the spaces that the residence offers to the selected artist.

Key words: private/public; transparency/control; data protection; surveillance/liberty

The selected project will receive a six (6) month artist fellowship, split between LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (through Plataforma Cero . Production Centre) in Gijón for (3) three months and Telefónica R&D (Telefonica's technology research and development arm) in Barcelona for (3) three months. The goal of the fellowship is to enable the fellow to bring the chosen idea to life.

The call is open to all creators in the space betwe en art and technology.


The proposal will be submitted through the web plat form has set up for this purpose:

DEADLINE: before 12.00 noon (Spanish time) April 12th, 2016

Check the complete rules for the call [+]

IMAGE: Environment dress, 2015. María Castellanos & Alberto Valverde. Winning project Next Things 2015