STARTS Prize 2017

STARTS Prize 2017 – Grand prize of the European Commission honoring Innovation in Technology, Industry and Society stimulated by the Arts. Appointed by the European Commission, Ars Electronica, BOZAR and Waag Society are launching a prize to select the most pioneering collaborations and results in the field of creativity and innovation at the crossings of science and technology with the arts. This follows the launch of a new activity in the European Commission named STARTS: Innovation at the nexus of Science, Technology, and the ARTS. Open to entries from around the world.
Two prizes, each with €20,000 prize money, are offered to honor innovative projects at the intersection of science, technology and the arts: one for artistic exploration, and thus projects with the potential to influence or change the way technology is deployed, developed or perceived, and one for innovative collaboration between industry/technology and art/culture in ways that open up new paths for innovation.
Grand Prize—Artistic Exploration
Awarded for artistic exploration and art works where appropriation by the arts has a strong potential to influence or alter the use, deployment or perception of technology.
Grand Prize—Innovative Collaboration
Awarded for innovative collaboration between industry or technology and the arts that opens new pathways for innovation.
Who can enter?
- Artists / creative professionals or the researchers / companies involved from throughout the world; STARTS is not limited to citizens of EU-member states.
What can be submitted?
- groundbreaking collaborations and projects driven by both technology and the arts. Purely artistic or technologically driven projects are not the focus of this competition.
- all forms of artistic works and practices with a strong link to innovation in technology, business and/or society; furthermore, STARTS is not restricted to a particular genre such as media art and digital art.
- all types of technological and scientific research and development that has been inspired by art or involves artists as catalysts of novel thinking.
All submissions must be made online. The submission platform (Web address: will be online January 11th, 2017 and will stay up until March 3rd, 2017.
Deadline for entries: 3 March 2017
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