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Opportunities > Stockholm | call for contributions - Alliances and Commonalities artistic research conference


02 Nov 2019

Stockholm | call for contributions - Alliances and Commonalities artistic research conference

Stockholm University of the Arts invites contributions for the second Alliances and Commonalities conference in Artistic Research to be held October 22-24, 2020. The conference is an opportunity for researchers, artists, and academics within performative and mediated practices to share their research and to articulate their questions within a context of creative collaborative inquiry.

Call for expositions and proposals open till November 2, 2019

Researchers from both specific and interdisciplinary fields, as well as those with practices that defy easy definition are welcome, as are projects in any stage of development. We particularly encourage experimental approaches to modes and formats of exposition.

In situating Artistic Research within a broader global/social context, how might our research address subjectivity and inclusivity? During a time of rising divisiveness how do we forge connections through Artistic Research that both illuminates our differences and highlights the need for individual and group responsibility towards each other and the planet?  How might our work engage with and in the experiences and perspectives of people outside of our immediate contexts, and continue to explore the specificity of our own personal ethical and aesthetic values?

There are four research Profile Areas at the Stockholm University of the Arts. The Profile Areas are designed to interrelate and interconnect, creating a dynamic and responsive research environment. We invite you to direct your proposal to the Profile Area that resonates most with your research at this moment in its development. 

The Profile Areas are:

  • Concept and Composition explores the myriad web of influences, inspirations, methods, and techniques that artists use in their artistic and creative processes. 
  • Bodily and Vocal Practices explores the techniques, methods and systems used in the articulation, interpretation and communication of creative ideas and visions through the use of body and voice. 
  • Site, Event, Encounter explores the interplay between art and society, considering the protean nature of participation in contemporary art practices/processes/events and the many and various contexts and conditions in which 21st Century artists work.
  • Art, Technology, Materiality addresses the material and social conditions and networks occurring in, and engaged through, artistic practice. 

The focus and format of the conference will emerge directly from the subjects, ideas, and topics present in the research of those selected to present. Alliances and Commonalities is a place, a group of people, and a possibility for Artistic Research to challenge and inspire us as both individuals and community.

Where and when
The conference will be at Stockholm University of the Arts in October 22-24, 2020. 

In 1600 words or less, briefly outline your proposal and address it to one/or more of the four profile areas. Please note that both the proposal and the presentation should be in English.

Please provide a concise (150 words or less) biography of the participating artists/researchers.