ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Stockholm | STOFF Swedish Fringe Festival call for proposals


07 Mar 2014

Stockholm | STOFF Swedish Fringe Festival call for proposals

None Shattered-2012

What burning matters inspire your work? What emotions do you wish to provoke in your audience? What inspires you to create? Stockholm Fringe Festival invites your participation - submit new stoff for Stoff 2014 (Aug 13-16).

SHARE YOUR STOFF. You are invited to participate in the fifth edition of the Swedish fringe: Stoff!   Help us to put on a spread, dish up a celebration and live it up in the name of the fringe. Who can apply? Everyone. What are we looking for? New Stoff with emphasis on:

  • Performance

  • Theatre

  • Mime

  • Dance

  • Stand up comedy

  • Spoken word

  • Live music

  • Audio visual art

  • Installations

  • Mobile art

  • Mixed genre pieces.

  • Other

Application deadline fast approaching: March 7th

Please familiarise yourself  with the Stoff 2014 Artist Guidelines.